United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Research Nurse and Midwife Census 2021

The census shows there are at least 7,469 clinical research nurses and midwives across the UK and Ireland. It is worth noting that as the census was self-reported , the actual figure is likely to be higher. This number includes research nurses and midwives working across numerous sectors including health and social care, commercial industry and academia.
Breakdown by country
Across the UK and Ireland: 7,469 clinical research nurses and midwives
7,022 Clinical Research Nurses
413 Clinical Research Midwives
34 Clinical Research Nurse and Midwives (dual post)
England: 6,355
5,973 (93.9%) Clinical Research Nurses
353 (5.5%) Clinical Research Midwives
Ireland: 157
141 (89.8) Clinical Research Nurses
15 (9.55%) Clinical Research Midwives
Scotland: 588
564 (95.9%) Clinical Research Nurses
22 (3.74%) Clinical Research Midwives
Wales: 265
245 (92.45%) Clinical Research Nurses
20 (7.55%) Clinical Research Midwives
Northern Ireland: 104
99 (95.19%) Clinical Research Nurses
3 (2.88%) Clinical Research Midwives
NIHR 70@70 Senior Research Nurse Leader Claire Whitehouse said: “Our census tells us how enormous our research nurse and midwife community is. There are scores of people working incredibly hard day and night bringing new treatments and medicine alongside their healthcare colleagues. Research nurses and midwives are making a difference to the health of people across the UK and Ireland.”
Breadth and depth of a career in research
Significantly, the census shows that a third (33.7%) of nurses work in joint posts, for example as a clinical research nurse for part of their role as well as a clinical nurse specialist. Such dual roles may offer NHS nursing and midwifery staff rich and varied experience that brings considerable extra value to both their colleagues and patients. The census also shows that 72% work within a disease or area specialism, while 28% reported covering multiple disease areas.
Breakdown by country
Number who identified as being in a joint post
UK and Ireland: 2,522 (33.7%)
England: 2,240 (35.25%)
Ireland: 88 (56.05%)
Scotland: 126 (21%)
Wales: 75 (28.3%)
Northern Ireland: 23 (22%)
Number identifying as working within specific specialisms
UK and Ireland: 5,383 (72.07%)
England: 4676 (73.58%)
Ireland: 106 (67.52%)
Scotland: 387 (65.82%)
Wales: 150 (56.5%)
Northern Ireland: 64 (61.54%)
Developing a research nursing and midwifery career
The census reveals that nurses and midwives are working at every level in healthcare from Bands 5 – 9 in the UK, and from staff nurse to Directors of Nursing or Midwifery in the Republic of Ireland. This suggests there are opportunities to join the profession at every level, with continued potential for career progression.
Breath of grades
UK wide: 7312
Band 5 – 371 (5.07%)
Band 6 – 4,836 (66.14%)
Band 7 + (inclusive)- 1,284 (17.56%)
Ireland: 123
Junior staff nurse – 13 (10.57%)
Senior Staff nurse - 11 (8.94%)
CNM 1 – 49 (39.84%)
CNM 2 – 42 (34.15%)
CNM 3 + (inclusive)- 8 (6.5%)
Mixed (of total no. 7,469)
University post – 678 (9.08%)
Private/industry sector - 146 (1.95%)
Other – 31 (0.42%)
NIHR Director of Nursing & Midwifery Ruth Endacott said: “Being a research nurse or midwife is an amazing and fulfilling career. We want research nurses and midwives to know they are valued, recognise themselves as part of the wider research community and have opportunities to grow and develop in research.”
The NIHR supports the development of a skilled clinical academic research workforce across nursing and midwifery through our NIHR Nursing and Midwifery Incubator Programme and by offering research training awards through our HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme and NIHR Fellowships Programme.
Research support networks also exist across Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales:
Irish Research Nurse and Midwives network
The Scottish Research Nurses and Coordinator Network
Health and Care Research Wales
Northern Ireland CRN